John and the retail team sat down and came up with 3 Idea’s for your Valentine’s Day that are under 20 Dollars.
1.) The 20-Dollar Challenge!
The first challenge is a lot of fun. You and your date go to Goodwill the night of Valentine’s Day, give each other Twenty Dollars and see what you can come up with for an outfit. Our Bellevue location not only came up with outfits, but they also gave it a theme, The Prince and Princess.
2.) Valentine’s Movie Time!
Goodwill is a fun place to shop for older movies and for fun ones that you may not remember or movies that never existed that everyone collectively remembers as existing. (Looking at you Sinbad, Shazam did exist!) A VHS movie is less than a buck at Goodwill and DVDs are less than three dollars, couple that with a board game for 2.99 now you are having fun for less than ten dollars!
3.) Redecorating
Redecorating? It seems like an odd time to start redecorating, but the reality is that right now is the perfect time to redecorate. Goodwill EHOS receives a lot of their donations right after the holiday season from folks who have cleaned out their closet. Our friends at the Goodwill in Cramerton, North Carolina created a great series on redecorating your home at a low cost.